My name is Marlene Stål Linder, mom to three children, wife, intuitive Life Coach.
After working as a police officer for 27 years, I felt I wanted to do something different. Throughout my life I have had an interest in health and wellbeing, so I knew it would go in that direction. I graduated as a craniosacral therapist and started my company C.YOU.
During the training, I gained an increased understanding that the body is a whole and that everything is connected. Therefore, I decided that I also wanted to help you with the mindset and the embodiment of the knowledge. I attended various programs in personal development and had different kind of mentors, both from Sweden and several other countries.
I have studied personal development for many years, but it wasn´t until I started applying the knowledge in my own life that I noticed a change.
At first I understood the knowledge intellectually and then I embody it so now I live the knowledge. I also allow myself to feel all emotions.
My mission is to make an impact in the world so you can live on your own terms in health and freedom. I want to help you understand who you really are behind all the layers you have put on yourself (without judgement).
The biggest differences I have noticed is that I like and value myself so much more and my relationships with loved ones have improved. I don´t get triggered as often anymore, do not feel responsible for everything and everyone and doesn´t take things personally. I also understand that I have enormous potential and nowadays see opportunities much more often than difficulties.
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Diplomerad kraniosakral terapeut 2018-2020
Medicinsk baskunskap 2018-2020
Massageutbildning 2020
Program i personlig utveckling 2019-2023
med Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey,
Joe Dispensa, Kathleen Cameron
och Tigran Unanjan.